Rivar Swihart Obituary
Catherine E. Swihart, nee Rivar, died at her home two miles southest
of Inwood, April 17th, 1898 aged 44 years and 21
days. She was born in Erie County N.Y and when only three months old came with
her parents to Marshall County Indiana. On the 28th of February 1878 she was marrired to Joshua S. Swihart, this union was a happy one
until it was broken by the death of her husband March 14, 1896. Mrs. Swihart
was from early life a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a devoted christian. She had a large circle of friends who deeply
lament her death. Besides a daughter who will soon enter into young womanhood,
she leaves three brothers, namely Peter, William and Charles Rivar and a
sister, Mrs. Susan Compton, near Bourbon. The funeral services were conducted
by her pastor, Rev. Wilkinson, ta the Inwood Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon in the presence
of a large congregation. The remains were laid to rest beside those of her
husband in the Oak Hill Cemetery.
County Republican April 21, 1898