of John Batchelder d. 1754
In the name of God,
Amen, I John Batchelder of Wenham in the County of
Essex and Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, Husbandman, being in
health and through Divine Goodness of sound mind and memory Do make this my
last Will and Testament, and First I recommend my Soul into ye hands of God
through Jesus Christ in whom alone I hope for Salvation unte
Eternal Life and my body unto the earth to be decently buried at the discretion
of my Exectr. herein after named and as for my
temporal Estate I have been blessed withall I do
hereby dispose of ye same in the following manner.
Impr. My will is that my
just Debts and Funeral Charges together with ye Legacies herein after mentioned
be all paid by my Exectr. out of my real Estate.
Item. I give unto my
wife Sarah Batchelder all those household Goods I
received with her at our marriage. as also I give unto her Twenty pound to be
paid in one year next after my death. the same always to be reconed
and accounted in full and in lieu of her right of Dower in my Estate and is not
to be paid, until my sd, wife hath given a quitt claim of her sd. right of
Dower. Also I give unto my said wife all the provisions, may be in my house at
my Death.
Item. I give unto my
Grandson Joseph Lamson, my small Gun, also I give
unto him my said grandson twenty shillings Lawful money to be paid to him when
he arrives to twenty one years of age.
Item. I give unto my
Daughter Hannah Woodberry all ye residue of my household goods that in this my
Will, is not given to my wife, also I give unto her my sd.
Daughter all my Cows & Sheep all which I account unto my sd. Daughter. To make her out twenty pound Lawfull money more than what shee
received at her marriage.
Item. I give unto my Son
Samuel Batchelder, the use and improvement of all my
dwelling house, barn, and of 15 acres of my Land whereon sd.
house and barn standeth, bounded southerly on ye road
one third part of ye full wedth of my homestead land
on said Road. Westerly on said Obers land, Northerly
on land of sd. Ober and
others, a, ye fence now standeth and Easterly from ye
aforesd. Road, Extending thence northerly ye whole
length of my land upon a line, making out the 15 acres abovesd.
also I give unto him my sd. Son Samuel Batchelder, five pound lawfull
money to be paid in one year next after my death, also I give him my sword.
Item. My will further is
that my Son Samuel Batchelder's behavior to me, gives
me reason to think that it may be likely for him after my Death to bring a Debt
against me to be paid out of my Estate. Whereas I now owe him nothing and am
proposed not to contract any with him, my will therefore is that if any Debt
should be brought against me after my Death by my sd.
Son Samuel Batchelder, that sd
Debt be not allowed to him by any Court of Judicature without first every
paragraph thereof being sufficiently Vouched by two Credible Witnesses, and
that after such debt be allowed and judgement thereof
made up, that such debt shall, be satisfied and paid out of that part of my
real Estate, as by this my Will I have given ye use and improvement of unto my sd. Son Samuel Batchelder, and
for the better effecting ye same, I do hereby authorize and impower
my Exectr. of this my Will herein after named, to
make Sale of, and pass good & Lawfull Deed, to
convey the whole of my house, barn, and ye 15 acres of Land whereon ye same standeth, above recited the use & improvement whereof,
I have in this will, given to sd. Samuel, or as much
as ye same as may be sufficient to pay and discharge sd.
Debt brought as aforesd. and my Will further is and I
do hereby give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Batchelder,
Son of ye sd. Samuel, ye whole of my sd. house, barn, & 15 acres of land whereon ye same standeth, above recited, or as much as ye same, as may
remain unsold by my Exectr. aforesd,
to be to him and his heirs immediately after my sd.
Son Samuel's death he paying to each of my Son Samuel's children that may be
then alive twenty shillings lawfull money, and in
case my said Grandson Samuel should Decease before his father my sd. Son Samuel in such case I do give all that I have in
this my Will given unto him said John unto such of my sd.
Samuel's children as may be then alive to be equally divided among them.
Item. I give unto my Son
Benjamin Batchelder three Acres of my homestead land
to be lay'd out and set off to him next adjoyning to the fifteen acres in this my Will I have given
ye use and Improvement of unto my sd. Son Samuel, sd. three Acres to extend the whole length of my land to be
to him, his heirs and Assigns forever.
Item. I given unto my
two Sons John Batchelder & Benjamin Batchelder all the remainder of all my Real Estate that is
not in this my Will above described whither the same be in Wenham or elsewhere
to be to them, their heirs and Assigns in equal proportion excepting always so
much of ye same, as may be sufficient to pay my just mentioned in ye first
paragraph of this my Will. My funeral charges, and the Legacies I have given in
this my Will.
Item. I give unto my
three Sons my Wearing Cloths to be equally divided among them, Also I give my
cane unto my son John Batchelder, also I give my
horse to my Son Benjamin my Utensils for husbandry I order to be sold. And
Lastly I do Nominate and Appoint my Son-in-law Peter Woodberry my sole Executor
of this my last Will & Testament, hereby also authorizing and impowering him to make Sale of, and pass Deed to convey so
much of that part of my Real Estate that is not in this my Will, the remainder
of my Real Estate as may be sufficient to pay and discharge my just Debts,
funeral Charges, & Legacies, and I do hereby revoke and make void all
former Wills by me heretofore made, and I do declare this to be my last Will
& Testament In Witness whereof I do hereunto sett
my Hand and Seal this tenth day of May Anno Domini 1753, and in ye twenty sixth year of his Majesties
Batchelder Seal.
Signed, Sealed, Published by John Batchelder to his
last Will and Testament in presence of Jno. Balch, Peter Shaw, Antho. Wood.
Ipswich Feb. 3, 1754.
Before the Hon. Thos. Berry Esq. Judge of Probate of Wills &c., John Balch, Peter Shaw, and Antho.
Wood all personally appeared and made Oath that they were present and saw John Batchelder Declare, Sign, Seal & heard him publish and
declare this Instrument to be his last Will & Testament, and when he so did
he was of a sound disposing mind and memory to ye best of their discerning, and
they all at ye same time Sett to their hands in his
presence as Witnesses.
Att. Danl. Appleton, Reg.
Upon which this Will is proved, approved, & Allowed, ye Exectr.
appeared & accepted that trust and to give in an Inventory.
Appleton Reg.
Berry J. of Prob.
d. Jan. 10, 1754; Res. Wenham, Mass.