Sarah Jane Davis Swihart Obituary
Mrs. Sarah Swihart Died Early Today – Her death occurred at her home in Blue Mound Township. Mrs. Sarah Jane Swihart, 96, died in her home on Route 2,about five miles south of Chillicothe in Blue Mound Township at 6:20 this morning (Monday). The funeral will be held in the Chapel of the Norman Funeral Home Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Kenneth A. Kuntz. Internment will be in the Utica Cemetery. Mrs. Swihart was born in Ohio. She lived in this community about twelve years coming here from Newton County, Missouri. Her husband died in Newton County in 1913. Survivors include these daughters and sons: Mrs. Sadie Tarboss of Cassopolis Mich.; Joshua Swihart of Chicago, Warren Swihart of Grain Valley, MO; Mrs. Ella Reeves and Mrs. Ida Baker of Chillicothe. Two brothers, Elmer Davis of Marsallis, Mich. And Ben Davis of Buchanan Mich., and a sister Mrs. Maggie Marsh of Kalamazoo, Mich, survive together with several grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Chillicothe Constitution Tribune. March 5,