William Fleming Will
William's will is dated May 3, 1784 and was probated in
Kent County DE June 7, 1784.
"In the name of God, Amen.
I, William Fleming of Kent County Delaware, being sick in body but of perfect
mind and memory, thanks be to God, do, this third day of May in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, make and publish this my last
will and testament in manner and form following; First: I desire that my lawful
debts shall be paid out of my personal estate. Next I give and bequeath unto my
well beloved wife Ann Fleming the whole use, benefit and profits of all and
singular my house, lands and improvements whereon I now dwell, that is the
cleared part of the plantation, exclusive of a field which my son Boaz has now
in his possession on the east sided of said plantation, together with as much
woodland as may be necessary for the supporting fence and firewood for the
hearths to her during her life: Also I give and bequeath unto my wife
aforesaid, my two oldest negroes, namely Will and Dinner, to her heirs and
assigns forever, save only that the child of the said negroe
woman Dinner I give and bequeath unto my son Nathan Fleming to be delivered to
him when one year and eleven months old. I also give and will to said son Nathan
that tract of land whereon he now dwells, his heirs and assigns forever. I give
and bequeath to my son Boaz Fleming the one fourth part, or share of, my home
plantation where I now dwell and the part thereof which he has built on and
improved, and also a negro boy named Dick, about eight years old to him and his
heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son Beniah
Fleming, a one fourth part of my home plantation, aforesaid, and on the side
thereof nest to John Turners lands and also one negro boy named Horatio, to him
and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son Benoni one fourth part of
my home plantation to be laid off on the south side thereof adjoining lands of
Samuel Turner and also one negro boy named Jacob and one hose and saddle to the
value of ten pounds specie, to him and his heirs and assigns forever. I give
and bequeath to my youngest son Thomas Fleming one fourth part of my home
plantation to be laid off where convenient and not at any part already directed
and also one negro boy named Bob. Also, one bed and furniture to the value of
ten pounds, ten shillings, and also the sum of ten pounds lawful money for his
schooling at the discretion of my wife. I give and bequeath to my daughter,
Mary Fleming, wife of Matthew Fleming, on negro girl name Snith.
I give and bequeath to my wife Ann Fleming one black mare name Flag and one
side saddle. Also I give and bequeath all the remainder and reversions of all
and singular of my estate of every nature whatever not herein before devised
after my lawful debts are paid to be divided according to law, that is, my wife
one third and each of my children an equal share of what remains. I appoint my
sons Nathan and Boaz as executors of this my last will and testament and at
this time revoke and disallow any will heretofore made by me. In witness
whereof I William Fleming the testator have set my hand and affixed my seal to
this my last will and testament contained on two sided of this sheet of paper.
William Fleming (seal)
Sarah Talbott
John Ralston