Family Obituaries and Death Notices

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      Ash, Albert, son of George W. Ash and Isabell Brake, husband of Flora Warner

      Ash, Angie G. , daughter of William and Cecelia Gaurige Lupercio,wife of Robert Ash

      Ash, Clara , daughter of Cree Moore and Mattie Painger, wife of William Galet Griffeth, wife of George Washington Ash

      Ash, Donald , son of Louis Ash and Rose Farland, husband of Dorothy Lake

      Ash, Dorothy , daughter of Raymond and Fayola Shattuck Lake, wife of Donald Ash

      Ash, Eva Kalinowski, daughter of Henry and Sophia Celebutski Kalinowski, wife of Bernard Ceskowski, wife of Robert Ash

      *Ash, George Washington, son of Jacob Ash and Ellen Francis Henry, husband of Isabell Brake and Clara Moore Griffith

      Ash, Harriet, daughter of Stephen Stilwagen and Harriet Ashwin, wife of Wesley D. Ash

      *Ash, Jacob, son of Elodewick Ash and Lucinda Roller, husband of Ellen Francis Henry, husband of Jennie Wilbur

      Ash, Louis J., son of George Ash and Isabelle Brake, husband of Rose Farland

      Ash, Rose, daughter of Paul Farland and Agnes Cardin, wife of Louis J. Ash

      Ash, Vernon, son of George W. Ash and Isabell Brake, husband of Kathern Smith

      Ash, Wesley, son of George W. Ash and Isabell Brake, husband of Harriet Stilwagen

      Baker, Austin Vernon, son of William V. Baker and Ida M. Swihart

      Baker, Buel Ross, son of William Edward and Pearl Williams Baker, husband of Josephine Burton

      Baker, Ernie Albert, son of William Valentine and Ida Swihart Baker

      Baker, Helen May, daughter of Walter and Pearl Collins Ralls, wife of Everett Nathan Baker

      Baker, Ida Swihart, daughter of Martin and Sarah Jane Davis Swihart, wife of William Valentine Baker

      Baker, Milford Tilman, son of William Edward and Pearl Williams Baker, wife of Alma Stephens

      Baker, Pearl Adeline, daughter of Thomas and Martha Stone Williams, wife of William Edward Baker

      Baker, Nathan "Butch", son of Everett Nathan and Helen Ralls Baker, husband of Janet Looney

      Baker, William Valentine, son of Michael and Univesta Morrow Baker, husband of Ida Swihart Baker

      Batchelor, Asa, son of Zephaniah Batchelor and Ruth Kellogg, husband of Jane Birdsall

      Batchelor, Benjamin, son of Zephaniah Batchelor and Ruth Kellogg, husband of Hester Johnson

      Batchelor, David, son of Zephaniah Batchelor and Ruth Kellogg, husband of Caroline

      Bauer, Ada , daughter of Martin Neese adn Carrie Moore, wife of Paul Bauer

      Brasfield, LeRoy, son of Thomas and Louella Higbee Brasfield, husband of Lora Ellen Swihart

      Brasfield, LeRoy, son of Leroy and Lora Ellen Swihart Brasfield, husband of Marian

      Davis, Benjamin, son of Charles Davis and Susan Batchelor, husband of Josie Snell

      Davis, Benjamin Snell, son of Benjamin Davis and Josie Snell

      Davis, Bertha Arndt, daughter of Frederick Arndt and Augustine Koethley, wife of Elmer C. Davis

      *Davis, Charles, son of Benjamin Davis and Hannah Holly, husband of Susan Batchelor

      Davis, Edson, son of Benjamin Davis and Hannah Holly, husband of Elsie Reed

      Davis, Elmer C., son of Charles S. Davis and Susan Batchelor, husband of Bertha Arndt

      Davis, Josie Snell, daughter of Thomas Snell, wife of Benjamin Davis

      Davis, Robert A., son of Benjamin and Josie Snell Davis,husband of Ella J. Simpson

      *Davis, Susan Batchelor, daughter of Zephaniah Batchelor and Ruth Kellogg, wife of Charles S. Davis

      Davis, Ted J., son of Elmer C. and Bertha Arndt Davis, husband of Susie.

      Davis, Max, son of Elmer C. and Bertha Arndt Davis, husband of Mildred.

      Davis, Rex, son of Elmer C. and Bertha Arndt Davis, husband of Hattie Coolbaugh.

      Dean, Elsie Ash, daughter of George W. Ash and Isabell Brake, wife of Doc Dean

      Fleming, Charles, son of Elmus and Julia Ann Badger, wife of Sarah Lloyd.

      *Fleming, Elmus, son of John and Jane Hayes Fleming, husband of Julia Ann Badger

      *Fleming, Marion Francis, son of Elmus Fleming and Julia Ann Badger, husband of Sarah Ellen Kelly and Sarah Elizabeth Lock

      Fleming, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of John and Lucinda Lock, wife of Marion Francis Fleming

      Flemming, Anna , daughter of George Kiger and Nancy Dudgeon, wife of Elmus Flemming.

      Flemming, Derwood, son of Elmus Flemming and Anna Kiger, husband of Maria Gundrum.

      Flemming, Elmus, son of Marion Fleming and Sarah Ellen Kelly, husband of Anna Kiger.

      Flemming, Garnet Pemberton, daughter of Lawrence and Mildred Pemberton, wife of Milo Flemming Jr.

      *Flemming, Hazel Neese, daughter of Martin Neese and Carrie Moore, wife of Milo Flemming

      Flemming, John, son of Marion and Sarah Ellen Kelly Fleming, husband of Pearl Hansel

      Flemming, Marion F., son of Marion and Vivian Maxine McDonald Flemming, husband of Virginia

      *Flemming, Milo Manlove, son of Marion and Sarah Ellen Kelly Fleming, husband of Hazel Neese

      Flemming, Milo Jr., son of Milo Flemming and Hazel Neese, husband of (1)Delores Elaine Chambers,(2)Garnet Pemberton

      Flemming, Pearl Hansel, Daughter of Solomon Hansel and Naomi Chaney, wife of John Flemming

      Flemming, Robert Lee, son of Roy Flemming and Gladys Weitzel

      Folk, Erma Baker, daughter of William V. Baker and Ida M. Swihart, wife of Robert Folk

      Hall, William E., son of unknown, first husband of Yula Swihart, husband of Helen Wright

      Harper, Ardella, daughter of Elmus Flemming and Anna Kiger, wife of Jonathan Harper

      Huyett, Rebecca Weitzel, daughter of Franklin Weitzel and Mary Ann Englehart, wife of Huron Huyett

      Jewell, Lucy Davis, daughter of Charles S Davis and Susan Batchelor, wife of Elbridge Jewell

      Kennedy, Marietta, daughter of Franklin Weitzel and Mary Ann Englehart, wife of William J. Kennedy

      * Moore, Elizabeth, daughter of Meacom and Nancy Kirgan Gardner, wife of William Moore

      Muthart, Sarah A., daughter of Jeremiah Englehart and Rebecca Mell, wife of Henry Muthart

      Muthart, Henry, son of Elizabeth and ?, husband of Sarah A. Englehart

      *Neese, Carrie Moore, daughter of William and Elizabeth Gardner Moore, wife of Martin Allison Neese

      Neese, Floyd, son of Martin and Carrie Moore Neese

      Rader, Caroline Elnora daughter of John and Mary Mikesell Swihart, wife of David A. Lee, William H. Rader

      Reeves, Ella Nora Swihart, daughter of Martin and Sarah Jane Davis Swihart, wife of Francis Pete Reeves

      Reeves, Francis "Pete", son of Mack and Kathryn Wilson Reeves, husband of Ella Nora Swihart Reeves

      *Swihart, Bertha Ash, daughter of George and Isabell Brake Ash, wife of Joshua Sheldon Swihart

      Swihart, Catherine E. daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Wimer Rivar, wife of Joshua Sheldon Swihart

      Swihart, Elliott C. , son of Warren and Amey E. Cleveland Swihart, husband of Lois Harra, May Lewis and Jewell Graham.

      Swihart, Fred, son of Warren and Amey E. Cleveland Swihart, husband of Elsie Foster, Lottie Strohm

      Swihart, Joshua Sheldon d. 1896, son of John Swihart and Mary Mikesell, husband of Catherine Rivar

      *Swihart, Joshua Sheldon d. 1962, son of Martin and Sarah Jane Davis Swihart, husband of Bertha Ash

      Swihart, Lester Ray, son of Fred Swihart and Elsie Foster, husband of Mary Edith McKnight

      Swihart, Loren Cletus, son of Loren Swihart and Elsie Ash, husband of Selma Brecher

      Swihart, Lottie Agnes, daughter of Charles and Mollie Ritter Strohm, wife of Fred Swihart

      Swihart, Mary Edith daughter of Clark Conley and Margaret Davis Mcknight, wife of Flash Homan, wife of Lester Swihart

      Swihart, Rowenia M. daughter of Leonard and Eva Henrietta Riley, wife of Marion V. Swihart

      *Swihart, Sarah Jane Davis, daughter of Charles and Susan Batchelor Davis, wife of Martin V. B Swihart

      Swihart, Warren, son of Martin and Sarah Jane Davis Swihart, husband of Amey E. Cleveland

      Swihart, Wayne E. , son of Warren and Amey E. Cleveland Swihart, husband of Mary E. Cole

      Tarboss, Susie Jane Swihart, daughter of Martin and Sarah Jane Davis Swihart, wife of Glen Tarboss

      Wallace, Yula Swihart, daughter of Joshua S Swihart and Berth Ash, wife of William Hall, wife of Lloyd Wallace

      Weitzel, Daniel, son of Franklin and Mary Ann Englehart Weitzel, husband of Katie Scheidt

      Weitzel, David R., son of LeRoy Weitzel and Miriam Boos Herm

      *Weitzel, Dicy Swihart, daughter of Joshua Swihart and Bertha Ash, wife of William "Bud" Weitzel

      Weitzel, Euron, son of William and Ida Fillman Weitzel

      * Weitzel, Franklin, son of William and Sophia Yeager Weitzel, husband of Mary Ann Englehart

      * Weitzel, Ida Fillman, daughter of Andrew and Martha Greaves Fillman, wife of William Weitzel

      Weitzel, James E, son of William and Dicy Swihart Weitzel, husband of Shirley Harvey

      Weitzel, John d 1914, son of Franklin and Mary Ann Englehart Weitzel, husband of Mary Moyer

      Weitzel, John d. 1999, son of William and Ida Fillman Weitzel, husband of Rachel Wakin

      Weitzel, Margaret Angstadt, daughter of Benjamin Angstadt, wife of LeRoy T. Weitzel

      Weitzel, Miriam, daughter of John Boos and Ellen Susan Reedy, partner of LeRoy T. Weitzel

      Weitzel, Robert Claude, son of William Weitzel and Dicy Swihart, husband of Marietta Baxter

      * Weitzel, William d. 1955, son of Franklin and Mary Ann Englehart Weitzel, husband of Ida Fillman

      * Weitzel, William H."Bud", son of William Weitzel and Ida Fillman, husband of Dicy Swihart

      Whallon, Goldie, daughter of Carl Shupe and Clara Beal, wife of Ralph Whallon

      Wiese, Nellie, daughter of Ella Nora Swihart and stepdaughter of Pete Reeves, wife of August Wiese

      Wiklund, Ruby Reeves, daughter of Francis "Pete" Reeves and Ella Nora Swihart

      Winowich, Ruth Flemming,daughter of Milo Flemming and Hazel Neese, wife of Nicholas Winowich

      Zollman, Phyllis, daughter of Elmus Flemming and Anna Kiger, wife of Kenneth Zollman.